Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Sorry I havent posted for a while have been super busy. Since I found out I have the job in Mandurah I had to start house hunting. You can not apply for a house without viewing it first. So that was my first hurdle I needed to overcome I was living 400 kms away from Mandurah, how do I look at houses when I am that far away? One of my friends came to the rescue. She lives only an hour away from mandurah and she let my four children, the dog and myself stay at her place for a whole month with her and her two children. It was also benefitical to her as she had to work during the holidays so i looked after her kids while she was working. After applying for 9 houses and getting sorry someone else has it I was lucky with number 10. I was the first person to look at it and every wall in the house was already damaged. It took a lot of fucking around to get all my furniture from merredin to here but it happened.

The new job I am doing is the best job i have ever had. I am working in a kindy/ pre-primary class for autistic children. We are running an early intervention ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) class. The aim of the program is to give the kids a head start academically and to teach them some social skills that will enable them to go into a mainstream year 1 class. The kids are just loving the program and are learning so fast. We do 3 hours a day of discrete trials which is intensive teaching and that is done in 30 minute blocks.

The kids on the other hand have become extremely unruly. I have given them too much freedom and now i am paying for it. They have been hanging with a local boy and have picked up some very destructive behaviours. They are going onto building sites and smashing bottles. I have come home from work a couple of times and caught carter about to smash some bottles. Yesterday he had one of my full spirit bottles and was walking around the street with it cause he didn't know it was full. We went to my friends place that we stayed with on the weekend and he smashed a microwave with a weight. When i spoke to him about it he said well they were doing it so i told him off for that and that he is responsible for his own actions and he needs to take responsibility for what he does.


Blogger Katrina said...


You're back!!!!

3:45 PM  

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