The demise of MESS and C.H.A.O.S.

Friday, May 11, 2007


Well my baby girl will be 13 next week it is so scary. I have just had my last day of full time work for now. I don't even know if I have work on Monday but I will show up anyway. My youngest son is going through a rough patch but i guess they all are. But he is Seeming to be effected the most. A month or so ago thier dad came up to spend some time with the kids. When he was here he got very drunk one night and went off at me for FOUR hours and threatened to punch my head in. After he went home CJ threatened to stab his sister with knives and then a few days after that he held a knife to his throat with a very real look of anger in his eyes it was very scary. I am struggling on the housework front. Looking after 4 kids and working full time has left me very tired and diinterested.