The demise of MESS and C.H.A.O.S.

Friday, July 27, 2007


I have been going to counselling and have finally been able to admit to someone else my addiction to the computer. Now that it is out there I am able to do something about it. During the week I do not turn the computer on while the children are awake. I have got so much more housework done because of this. Although i still have days that I do not alot. I have been sleeping everyafternoon after school as i am so exhausted. So therefore not a lot gets done housework wise or parenting wise. The house runs a lot smoother when i fully participate in the roles that I need to do. The children behave better when they have my full attention and the house stays cleaner because they are behaving and because i am staying on top of it. I am still not where i want to be though I still have the battle with myself about the whole point of doing it all. I need to stop having negative thoughts or negative things are going to continue to happen to me.