The demise of MESS and C.H.A.O.S.

Monday, September 10, 2007

11th of september

It is amazing how much difference it makes being emotionally fulfilled. Since I have started this new relationship and feel wanted and cared for and best of all i no longer feel lonely. The housework is just so much easier to do as I no longer resent it for creating the problems in my life. This morning has been the best one so far the kids were all dressed and ready for school before 8am so have been playing lego happily together. It is now time to take them to school and go to work so will update some more later.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Baby steps

Well I am at a point in my life that I only can see one flaw in my life. That flaw is my cleaning abilities. I have the job, the kids don't want for much, we have a roof over our heads and food in our tummies. My house has always been my downfall, over the years the reasons for which I do not clean have changed and built upon each other compounding the problem. The latest reason for not doing it was that I resented my housework as I saw it as the reason why I was so lonely because I spent so much time doing it. I have recently found myself a really nice man who I like a lot and we get along really well. I no longer feel Lonely well not as much as I did. My whole attitude towards cleaning the house has changed and it is still going to be a hard slog to truely change the way i am about cleaning. The first step is admitting i don't like how I am at the moment so that i can move forward. I am going to take babysteps towards my goal. I am using the flylady system so will be shining my sink everyday. I am sure things will improve from now on.